
The gradual death of sales targeting

Salesforce, the largest provider of marketing solutions in the world, has noticed a very important trend in sales management in its latest customer research: the gradual abandonment of sales targeting in various companies.

Sales Force writes in its report: Big companies in the world have come to the conclusion that setting sales goals takes them away from customer orientation, because salespeople may use any trick to achieve the set goals, and as a result, cause customer dissatisfaction.

According to Salesforce’s forecast, by 2025, large companies will abandon sales targets and instead set more customer-centric goals for their marketing and sales teams.

This process has accelerated after Stanford University published its research results. According to this university’s research of the top 500 companies in the American Stock Exchange, after abandoning sales targeting and using customer-oriented goals, the company’s sales have increased by at least 1 million dollars per week.

Salesforce believes that in the near future, companies will use these goals instead of sales goals:

1️⃣ repurchase rate of customers; In other words, what percentage of customers buy from us again?

2️⃣ customer upgrade rate; In other words, what percentage of customers buy more expensive goods or increase their purchase volume in their next purchases?

3️⃣ customer interaction rate with the company; In other words, what percentage of customers are willing to, for example, introduce new customers to us or place our advertisement on their pages in social networks?

4️⃣ customer acceptance rate; In other words, what percentage of customers accept the company’s new offers, such as new products or price changes

5️⃣ customer lifetime value; It means how long customers are loyal to us and repeat their purchases during this time

6️⃣ customer satisfaction rate; In other words, what percentage of customers are satisfied with us and have no complaints

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