
It’s not always bad to get used to it!

If you adopt the following habits, you will change your life forever
And more importantly:
You will be more popular and important with those around you.

  1. Punctuality…
    Instead of the afternoon, evening, a few days later, use a more precise time for appointments, for example:
    Tomorrow Saturday at 10:40
  2. When leaving any place, ask yourself these questions:

I have not left anything
battery charger
the switch
Glasses and…

  1. When doing anything, use the three-second pause technique:

Before doing anything, wait three seconds for your actions, speech and reaction to change from involuntary to fully voluntary behavior, then you will minimize the possibility of error.

  1. The exact score of our originality, goodness, greatness and character will be determined when we are out of balance.

What are the things that throw us out of balance:
very happy
Unexpected sadness
Behind the promises of others
And at the risk of seeing their own interests

Model good behavior from those around you
And consciously repeat that behavior for two weeks so that it becomes a good habit.

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